Songfolge |
Weihnachtstour 1995
boys will be boys
just to be close tto you
anywhere for you
let's have a party
i'll never break your heart
we've got it going on
don't leave me
Bobo-Tour 1996
i wanna be with you
if i ever fall in love
at the party
i'll never break your heart
boys will be boys
we've got it going on
Summertour 1996
(105 minütoge Show)
gangsta's paradise (Coolio)
i wanna be with you
anywhere for you
at the party
every time i close my eyes
boys will be boys
Brian - quit playing games
Kevin - nobody but you
AJ - this is how we do it
Howie - the most beautifull girl in the world (Prince)
Nick - opens arms (Journey)
i'll neber break your heart (3Grils auf der Bühne)
girl yoi know it's ture (gemeinsam mit Trey)
get down
just to be close
don't let the sun go down on me (Elton John) (Nick am Schlagzeug und Kevin am Keyboard)
we've got it going on
Chrismastour 1996
return of the mack (Marl Morrison)
christmas time
open arms (Journey)
Frühjahrstour 1997
we've got it going on
let's have a party
it's so natural
just to be close to you
nobody but you
betcha by golls wow
heaven in your eyes (i need you tonight)
one last try
brick house
10.000 promises
boys will be boys
get down
quit playing games
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